About Emily Smith Acupuncture


I believe in providing effective and compassionate acupuncture and health care.

I am convinced that chronic stress, pain, fatigue and early aging do not have to be our constant companions. Today it seems harder than ever for our natural processes of healing to get their job done. Daily stresses challenge our body's basic functions.  Because there is no mind body split, treatments for the body necessarily include our human consciousness—a sense that we matter, that we are connected to each other and our world. 

My approach is to address mind and body simultaneously, drawing on my training in both Eastern and Western acupuncture in addition to certification and experience as a counselor. 

Having someone to support, educate, and offer encouragement allows for change and freedom from the stuck, isolated fear that keeps so many people suffering. I want more for you! I know from experience that change is possible—even the life-long, never-gonna-change patterns that seem permanent can change. I am here to help you begin to tell yourself stories that heal, empower, and help you bring your gifts to the world. 

Emily`s Back Story

For over 25 years, Emily has integrated Traditional Asian Medicine, somatics, and evidence-based nutrition into her clinical practice and educational approaches.

Complementing her clinical practice, Emily is deeply committed to promoting holistic wellness. She offers integrative wellness sessions that guide individuals in integrating lifestyle changes, movement, and meditation into their lives.

She received her undergraduate degree in 1987 from Reed College and her licensure in TCM from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1993. She then moved to Japan to intern with Togasaki Masao while learning Japanese Tai Chi. She completed her Japanese Acupuncture licensure in 2006 and opened a clinic and yoga studio. She worked at a birth center and gynecological hospital, supporting families through all stages of their lives.

Emily is grateful to live in Marin, California. After living, studying, and working in Japan for 22 years, her children and she landed in the Bay Area. The communities that have embraced them remind her how precious we all are. She feels supported and inspired as we expand our collective vision of what is possible for our world.  

She participates in the current regenerative revolution for individuals and society through multidimensional self-care, sacred reciprocity, and collective healing. Personally, this takes the form of an ongoing commitment to working with other white-bodied folks to become allies in social, sexual, and gender justice.